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Featured Artists
This series of 3 posts was my favorite in 2013! So much fun to showcase such amazing talents! Each of these posts also featured a great giveaway of an item created by these wonderful artists.
Featured Artist: Lise Meijer
The artwork by Denmark Artist Lise Meijer is one of my favorite finds on The Mindful Shopper. She creates some of the most touching and beautiful pieces I have seen. She puts so much of her heart and soul into each piece of art. I was also lucky enough to have Lise create the artwork for The Mindful Shopper! What a blessing!
(9) Artist Lise Meijer. (10) Sunshower by Artist LiseMeijer. (11) Match Made In Heaven by Artist Lise Meijer.
Click Here: For more beautiful art by Artist Lise Meijer
Featured Artist: Amy Darr
My post about Artist & Jewelry Designer Amy Darr was so much fun! This post got a lot of traffic and there was a lot of buzz around her eclectic blend of extraordinary pieces, including her fantastic Hunger Games Mockingjay Pendant which was one of our top pins of 2013!
(12) Jewelry Designer Amy Darr. (13) Metal Bracelets with Leather Cording by Artist Amy Darr. (14) Hunger Games Mockingjay Necklace by Artist Amy Darr.
Click Here: For more amazing jewelry by Artist Amy Darr
Featured Artist: Alisa Foytik
My post on Artist & Photographer Alisa Foytik was my first post of 2013! The minute I saw her Happy 2013 New Years Digital Print I was inspired to feature her and her colorful and whimsical artwork. Her work is so full of joy.
(15) Artist Alisa Foytik. (16) Happy New Year by Artist Alisa Foytik. (17) Mustache, Spectacles. and Lips Kiss Digital Clipart Set by Artist Alisa Foytik.
Click Here: For more joyful art by Artist Alisa Foytik
These are fantastic!!! Really enjoyed looking at them. Keep up the great work!!!!
Hi Anton!
Thank you so much! You are always so kind to leave comments!
-Amy Kathleen