I am honored to announce that I am being featured over at Mom’s Small Victories as a guest blogger! Tanya, the owner of this great blog has a wonderful way of celebrating life despite living with Rheumatoid Arthritis, a chronic autoimmune disease. She recently asked if I would be willing to write a guest post about chronic illness. After some soul searching, I came up with 9 Lessons Learned from Chronic Illness.
Below is a little excerpt from the post. I would love it if you headed over to Mom’s Small Victories and checked it out. Please feel free to comment and/or ask questions. The purpose of my post is to help spread awareness and to initiate further conversations about chronic illness.
“I have been homebound due to chronic autoimmune disease for the last four years. The isolation and loss of identity that are often a part of chronic illness have been daunting at times and have led me to ask myself, “How do I make sense of a life with chronic illness?” It surely is not the life I had planned for myself.
Illness has forced me to restructure every facet of living. This, in turn, has led me to view life through completely new lenses. As difficult as this process has been, I’ve learned a lot about the innate human capacity to deal with hardship. It is my hope that others may gain some benefit from the lessons I’ve learned from chronic illness.”
Thank you for dropping by The Mindful Shopper! I absolutely LOVE it when you stop by! I hope you will find my 9 Lessons Learned from Chronic Illness helpful. If so, please share some support on Facebook by clicking below. Thank you!
I suffer from chronic pain and it just sucks because I am 26 and no one understands because I am so young.
Hello AC,
I am so sorry to hear about your suffering. I hope that my post was able to help you in some way. Sending you a hug!
– Amy Kathleen
very insightful, thank you! i liked your point Your Illness Does Not Define You
Hello Megan,
Thank you for the comment. Yes, I truly believe that we are not defined by our health or other things such as how much money we make, how attractive we are, etc. I appreciate you taking the time to read my post.
– Amy Kathleen
Thank you for sharing your personal story!
Thanks Karen!
– Amy Kathleen
i think it’s incredibly inspiring to hear your story of hope and how you go through your hardships. thanks for sharing your story!
Hello Esther,
Thank you so much! I hope my story can someone how someone else. I really appreciate your comment!
– Amy Katheen
Thanks for the Information/Review on 9 Lessons Learned from Chronic Illness | Guest Post at Mom’s Small Victories! We were involved in a very horrific auto accident years back. We were stopped and struck from behind by a drunk runaway driver. After we were all checked out at the hospital, they actually sent us all home. I was in so much pain that every single step made me cry! They could not find anything to keep me for (so they say). Ever since then I have been disabled. I’ve had numerous surgeries and nothing has helped! I have chronic pain every day of my life now. Since being no able to move much after a neck surgery, I’ve developed Fibromyalgia, Diabetes, Chronic Pain Syndrome, high blood pressure, anxiety & depression. I do get my “chores” done, however, it takes me a long time! I love summer where I can go outside and plant some flowers and feed the hummingbirds! I get around the best that I can. I’ve been to pain counseling and other doctors who say that there is really nothing more that they can do for me. Through all this, I’ve also gained a lot of weight which of course, is bad for me too! I spoke with a doctor and was planning on starting the procedure for weight loss, however, my husband got ill and had 2 surgeries within 5 months of each other and did not work for a long, long period of time. We can’t afford another doctor, hospital bill right now. It’s hard with both my husband and I being disabled and on a fixed income. He works part-time to make money for groceries and extras! With the extra bills we are really tight with everything right now and causing me excessive stress! I can only imagine how someone with Chronic Auto Immune disease must feel! It’s difficult and heartbreaking all at the same time! Thanks so much for sharing with all of us! I honestly do appreciate it! Michele
Hello Michele,
Thank you so much for sharing your story. It sounds like this has been a very difficult time for you and your family these past years. My heart goes out to and your family. Chronic pain can be very frustrating. Do you feel you have a good support system with family, friends, your doctor? I hope so. Sending you so many hugs and healing thoughts!
– Amy Kathleen
I always tell myself to live life to the fullest and cherish the moment we are with families because really life is too short. I pray that you’ll be okay and be able to overcome all the trials that will come your way.
Thank you for the kind post. Prayers are always accepted and helpful. Thank you! 🙂
– Amy Kathleen
I go just couldn’t imagine having chronic illness:-/ one of my besties has chronic pain and ughhh…. All of you that have chronic anything are seriously so strong!!
Thank you so much. Sounds like your friend is very lucky to have you around!
– Amy Kathleen
I sort of know what she is talking about because having Spinal Stenous myself among a few other things it’s hard for me to get around like I use too. In the home, I’m just fine. I cannot take long rides anymore & let’s just I’m just limited & with changes of the weather the pain gets unbearable sometimes. I don’t wish anyone a life like this. If it wasn’t for the computer and my blogger friends I’m sure I would go bonkers.
Yes, I am familiar with Spinal Stenosis. I treated many patients with it when I was able to work. This can be a very frustrating condition. Sending hugs to you! Us bloggers need to support eachother!
-Amy Kathleen
This is an awesome post indeed and it does show other with chronic illness they are not alone in their thoughts. I often said to myself this isn’t how it was suppose to be. Thanks so much for sharing. Never give up.
Hello Rebecca,
Sounds like we both are dealing with chronic illness. Hugs to you and thank you!
– Amy Kathleen
My nana used to say one is neither the first nor the last of anything and someone always has it worse…long time champion of chronic disease! 🙂
Hello Joanne,
Amen! 🙂
– Amy Kathleen
I had no idea you are going through this. I hope things get better for you soon. I know a few people that go through something simular and it’s hard on them as well.
Hello Michele,
Thank you so much. I have hope for better days!
– Amy Kathleen
I am sorry about your health issues. I find that we learn from every experience we face: good or bad.
I totally agree- one of the best things we can do along this journey of life is learn something from all experiences, good or bad. Thank you for your thoughtful and kind comment. Hugs to you!
– Amy Kathleen
Amy! very touching post. You are very inspiring for people with chronic illness who give up on finding a way around. I liked the way you have said Illness does not define us.
Hello Vidya,
Thank you so much for the kind and thoughtful comment. I really appreciate it! 🙂
– Amy Kathleen
Thank you for sharing your story. It has touched me as my father is also suffering from arthritis.
Hello Peachy,
Thank you so much for your comment and understanding. So appreciated! Thank you for sharing about your father- I hope he is doing ok. Best wishes to him and you!
– Amy Kathleen
What a great guest post! 🙂 I did read the entire post. Very inspirational and passionate.
Hi Michelle,
Thanks so much! I really appreciate your kind words and that you took the time to comment on both posts! So thoughtful!
– Amy Kathleen